Add some Swag{ger} to your SpringBoot API


A while back we created a simple API with spring-boot. See here. One of the key thing is that people have to know how to find and use your API. You can have the coolest API in the world but if people can’t find it and don’t know how to use it….it rather useless. There are a few tools which can help us document our API. We can use Swagger, Continue ReadingAdd some Swag{ger} to your SpringBoot API

Running a simple SpringBoot API as a Docker container


Containers are a hot topic nowadays. Is it easy or does it come with a steep learning curve and what are the things to consider? In this blog serie I will show some simple examples of how you can use containers and in which environments. In part 1 I will build a simple SpringBoot application which can be accessed through REST. We will then dockerize it and first run it Continue ReadingRunning a simple SpringBoot API as a Docker container

Undeploy non default, retired or inactive soa suite composites using java

When building a lot of soa suite composites, your environments end up with many different versions. So we might end up with 3 LocationService composites with versions[], [] and [] which is the default. This takes up resources and clutters the EM. So you might want to have a way to remove these easily with having to go to the EM and manually uninstalling all of them with the risk Continue ReadingUndeploy non default, retired or inactive soa suite composites using java

Using JMX to list installed 12C OSB and SOA projects including versions using Java


Lately we where looking for a way to easily list all the services (OSB and SOA) installed on our DTAP machines. A CMDB works as well as it is maintained. As this is tedious and manual labour, we all know from experience that the CMDB is never fully correct. So how do we know then what is installed where? We can open the EM and the sbconsole and have a Continue ReadingUsing JMX to list installed 12C OSB and SOA projects including versions using Java

Building a simple microservice using Spring Boot

In this short post, I will show how to build a simple JPA Microservice using Spring Boot. Spring Boot makes it easy to create stand-alone based applications that you can run and need very little Spring configuration as we will see in this short tutorial. For an explanation about microservices, read this article of Martin Fowler. For the code, see As I was saying we are going to use Continue ReadingBuilding a simple microservice using Spring Boot

SOA Suite 12C: Generating a JSON Web Token (JWT) in OSB

“JSON Web Token (JWT) is a JSON-based open standard (RFC 7519) for creating access tokens that assert some number of claims. For example, a server could generate a token that has the claim “logged in as admin” and provide that to a client. The client could then use that token to prove that it is logged in as admin. The tokens are signed by the server’s key, so the client Continue ReadingSOA Suite 12C: Generating a JSON Web Token (JWT) in OSB

SOA Suite 12C: Add version information to your ServiceBus projects using custom maven plugin


As you have seen in my previous posts it is possible to build your SB and SOA components using Maven. See here. One of the issues we encountered is that building ServiceBus projects supports some very basic maven stuff. For example the description property in the maven pom file is not mapped to the description field of a service bus project which would have been nice as this is the Continue ReadingSOA Suite 12C: Add version information to your ServiceBus projects using custom maven plugin

Automated acceptance testing using Fitnesse, Java and the OSB

When I was at Xebicon this year I saw a talk from Dave Farley. At 26 minutes or so he starts talking about Domain Specific Languages. Making an abstraction layer on top of your system where your tests run against so when the underlying system changes, you only have to adjust your layer in between instead of all the tests. This idea got me thinking of how we could be Continue ReadingAutomated acceptance testing using Fitnesse, Java and the OSB

SOA Suite 12C: Simple example of using the Spring component

A few days ago, we needed a some business functionality to validate an IBAN account number. You can use inline Java in your BPEL process but there are more elegant ways as you don’t want to pollute your orchestration layer with business functionality. An nice and elegant way, in my opinion, is the use of the Spring component. By using this component you can expose a Java bean as simple Continue ReadingSOA Suite 12C: Simple example of using the Spring component