OFM 12C: Running WLST scripts in your build pipeline using the weblogic-maven-plugin


When you are building and deploying servicebus or soa composites to the server, you will have the certain dependencies with the server such as datasources or JMS resources. Those resources must be there if you want to deploy. A best practice is of course to script these. You can use WLST to run .py script which create your resources. The only problem is you want to know for sure the Continue ReadingOFM 12C: Running WLST scripts in your build pipeline using the weblogic-maven-plugin

Removing files from a database based MDS

When you are the MDS of the SOA Suite you probably added some files by mistake which where not mend to be in there. If it is a file based MDS…..no problem. Just delete them from the file system. But when it is a database based MDS, you have to do a bit more. One way is to use WLST to remove the files. Go to MIDDLEWARE_HOME/Oracle_soa1/common/bin and start wlst.sh. Continue ReadingRemoving files from a database based MDS