Add client certificate for outgoing OSB call

Simple use case……you want to connect to a customer system over the internet. The customers system has an API but requires 2-way SSL. This means we have to send a client certificate along to make sure the SSL handshake can be completed. If your server has already a server certificate installed, it will send this one along by default but the customers system won’t accept it as it is different Continue ReadingAdd client certificate for outgoing OSB call

Using JMX to list installed 12C OSB and SOA projects including versions using Java


Lately we where looking for a way to easily list all the services (OSB and SOA) installed on our DTAP machines. A CMDB works as well as it is maintained. As this is tedious and manual labour, we all know from experience that the CMDB is never fully correct. So how do we know then what is installed where? We can open the EM and the sbconsole and have a Continue ReadingUsing JMX to list installed 12C OSB and SOA projects including versions using Java

SOA Suite 12C: Add version information to your ServiceBus projects using custom maven plugin


As you have seen in my previous posts it is possible to build your SB and SOA components using Maven. See here. One of the issues we encountered is that building ServiceBus projects supports some very basic maven stuff. For example the description property in the maven pom file is not mapped to the description field of a service bus project which would have been nice as this is the Continue ReadingSOA Suite 12C: Add version information to your ServiceBus projects using custom maven plugin

OFM 12C: Slow SB deployment issue

Working with 12C a while, we started noticing that the deployment of our SharedResources SB project started to slow down. This project contains re-usable resources and contracts. The strange thing was that it was only this specific SB project. All the other projects where fine. Both deploying in JDeveloper and deploying using Maven started at around 40 seconds but after a while, it went up to 10 minutes even which Continue ReadingOFM 12C: Slow SB deployment issue

Custom 11G XPath function not showing up in JDeveloper 12C

You can write your own XPath lib in Java to make certain things easier and re-usable. For an example see here. From the documentation of 12C, nothing indicated that things would have been changed so I stuck in an old library and restarted JDev. When I opened the xslt mapper, I didn’t see my functions under User Defined. This made me wonder if maybe something did have changed. Last week Continue ReadingCustom 11G XPath function not showing up in JDeveloper 12C

Automated acceptance testing using Fitnesse, Java and the OSB

When I was at Xebicon this year I saw a talk from Dave Farley. At 26 minutes or so he starts talking about Domain Specific Languages. Making an abstraction layer on top of your system where your tests run against so when the underlying system changes, you only have to adjust your layer in between instead of all the tests. This idea got me thinking of how we could be Continue ReadingAutomated acceptance testing using Fitnesse, Java and the OSB

Continuous Integration using Oracle SOA Suite 12C: Part 2. Building a SB and SOA project using maven and the MDS


In the part 1 I have shown how to setup a simple CI environment and how to build a Service Bus project using Maven. In this part I will try to make a release pipeline which builds, deploys, tests, packages and release a whole service using Jenkins and if all successful and finally install the artifact in Nexus. Lets start where we left of. Startup Tomcat and log into Jenkins. Continue ReadingContinuous Integration using Oracle SOA Suite 12C: Part 2. Building a SB and SOA project using maven and the MDS

Consuming a service in Oracle Service Bus 12C using the REST adapter


In a previous post I have shown how to create a REST service in 12C. That was easy. But how do we consume a REST service? In this next bit I will show how to do that. The REST service we are going to use is Google’s Geocoding API. You can use this API to input address data and retrieve geo data in both JSON or XML. For example: To Continue ReadingConsuming a service in Oracle Service Bus 12C using the REST adapter

Creating a REST service in Oracle Service Bus 12C


In this first REST post I will demonstrate how to make easily expose a REST service in the Service Bus 12C. I will not explain REST as quite some people have already written tons of stuff about this….Google is your friend 🙂 . Exposing a service in a REST way using the new 12C release is quite simple. Lets try and expose the ConversionRateService we previously build as a REST Continue ReadingCreating a REST service in Oracle Service Bus 12C

Creating a template in Oracle Service Bus 12C


In this article I will show how to use the new templating functionality in Oracle Service Bus 12C. When building a lot of services through different projects, you will always duplicate certain functionality such as Logging, Validation etc… All conform your current development rules and guidelines of the project. This means tedious copying and pasting of certain pieces of code and the old OEPE IDE isn’t always precise with that. Continue ReadingCreating a template in Oracle Service Bus 12C